2024-25 Enrollment 

Please print and mail the 2024-2025 enrollment form to join.

**You must ALSO enroll in 4-H with UConn via their Z-Suite online system before January 1, 2025 for your membership to be activated. 

Dues are $25 each for the first 2 children in a family, and $15 for each additional sibling.

  • Please make checks payable to “Granby 4-H” 

  • Dues are used toward Granby 4-H Club expenses, educational programs, & insurance.

  • Dues also include one T-shirt per member (available in the spring).

  • T-shirts not picked up by the end of August will be considered a donation.

  • Please note, some project groups may charge an additional fee for group expenses.

Forms should be mailed to: Granby 4-H, PO Box 676, Granby, CT 06035 or scanned and emailed to granbyct4h@gmail.com